God wants you rich!! Watch this video to learn one important business secret!!!
There is POWER ... in the name of JESUS!!! JESUS came so that we may have life...but NOT ONLY to have life!! BUT to have LIFE More ABUNDANTLY!!! YESSUHHH!!! John10:10
You have the power to tread snakes and scorpions and deviour the enemies of the earth! Your faith is the KEY to your progress. HAVE FAITH.....and you can move mountains. Just a little faith can push you to your next breakthrough!!! Don't fret...for GOD is not a man that HE should lie!!! Just have Faith I say.. for without FAITH it is impossible to Please GOD!!! Hebrews 11:6
Give thanks for what you have...but not only what you have, but for what you EXPECT to receive!! Speak those things that you desire as though they were. Speak over your life and above the head of the enemy!!! Declare that EVERY PROMISE shall come to pass!!! God is NOT a man that HE should lie!!!
Get ready for your BREAKTHROUGH!!!